Vincent Van Gogh, Edward Munch, Jackson Pollock, Ludwig van Beethoven. These famous artists have one thing in common. “Mental Illnes”. And that sounds salvage for some uneducated individuals about psychology.
This collection is inspired by my experiences when I spent days in “The Nuts House” or to be formal “Psychiatric Hospital In-patient”. I’ve met heaps of people there who had different issues. But they were great people. I mean, they try really hard to live normal lives.
An usual-normal-everyday life is already hard with these disorders and I respect those who are survivors. I, myself struggle sometimes. Ergo, I accepted the disorder as my friend, my long-term friend. It’s not wrong to be sad. It’s not wrong to cry or smile. It’s uber okay to laugh hysterically.
When you see the beauty of complexion of what these disorders do. Your attitude and mindset will change. You perspective and perception will change. And all of those things become you.
So why can’t we make it into an art form of fashion? And of course, a homemade music inspired by the greatest work of Beethoven “Symphony No.5”.